A clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of Priyal Pralep Bahiparimarjanon Darunak.


Darunak, Priyal, Bahiparimarjan Upakram, Pralep

How to Cite

Ingle, P. D., Unavekar, A., Deshmukh, A. A., & Dasari, s. L. (2017). A clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of Priyal Pralep Bahiparimarjanon Darunak. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 5(5). Retrieved from https://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/18


Hairs are the mirror of beauty. In today’s era it is very difficult to take good care of hairs. It has been seen due to indiscriminate use of beauty products, hair dyes, color, shampoo, lack of hygiene, cleanliness causes roukshtwa, daranatwa, kharatwa which vitiates kesh mula twak prsdesh and leads to darunak.

Priyal(charoli in marathi) kalk pralep bahiparimarjan is selected for the study to evaluate its efficacy on darunak. As priyal possesses madhur, guru, snigdh properties, its kalk is applied over kesh mul twak pradeshand observations noted. 


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