“A case study on ayurvedic management of asthimajjagat vata w.s.r. to avascular necrosis.”
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Asthimajjagat vata, Tiktaksheer Basti along with Goat’s Majja, Shaman chikitsa.

How to Cite

Akolkar, S. B. (2019). “A case study on ayurvedic management of asthimajjagat vata w.s.r. to avascular necrosis.”. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 7(02). Retrieved from https://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/297


Ayurvedic description of Asthimajjagat vata closely resembles with Avascular necrosis of modern medicine. Asthimajjagat vata is characterized by Bhedanvat pida at asthi and parva, Sandhishoola, manasbalakshay, nidranash, santat ruk. The patient came to us with severe    pain at right thigh, Pain at both hip joint, pricking sensation at right thigh, difficulty in walking, Insomnia. In Ayurveda basti chikitsa is considered to be half the treatment for vata dominated disease. Vata dosha is predominatly present in Asthi dhatu and Sandhi. So Tiktaksheer basti along with Goat’s Majja and shaman chikitsa  was selected for the present case. Tiktaksheer basti along with Majja has given  very effective result in the patient.

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