The role of palash mul arka aschotana in kaphaja timira and kaphaja kacha w.s.r. immature cataract
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Kaphaja Timira, Kacha, Palash, Ark, Imm.Cat.,Vision

How to Cite

Sarwade, S. (2019). The role of palash mul arka aschotana in kaphaja timira and kaphaja kacha w.s.r. immature cataract. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 7(02). Retrieved from


     Blindness results due to numerous causes, Cataract is one of them , it is also major cause of blindness in tropical and developing countries all over the world due to direct effect on eye lens.

     In view of ayurved literature Kaphaja timira and kaphaja kacha is a dreadful disease of eye lens mentioned in drishtigat roga vidyaniya addhyay .

    The disease shows gradual –progressive decrease in vision. Ayurved literature have recorded single drug and compound formulation for treatment of Timir, Kacha ( as Chakshushya or Netrya (sight ,vision improving) so that Palasha a Chakshushya drug in the form of  arka, which is kaphahara is taken for the treatment of same and results are noted according to CRF and improvement in visual acuity and disappearance of symptoms are statistically analyzed. Results are significant and no side effects of arka are seen.

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