“Effect of ashoka ghrita in asrigdhar (menorrhagia): A case study”
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Asrigdhar, Menorrhagia, Ashokaghrita

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Vartak, R. V., & Mehere, S. (2019). “Effect of ashoka ghrita in asrigdhar (menorrhagia): A case study”. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 7(02). Retrieved from https://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/320


Aim and Background: The term Menorrhagia is from Greek word, men meaning ‘menses’ and ‘rrhagia’ meaning ‘burst forth’10. It denotes cyclic bleeding which is excessive in amount or duration. It is a very common complaint among females in recent years. It has negative effects on women’s quality of life with limited options available in modern medicine, following Ayurvedic principles of diagnosis and treatment can be useful.

Case Description: A 42 years old female Hindu patient, housewife by occupation visited our OPD with complaints of Excessive P/V bleeding during menstruation, prolonged bleeding for 7-8 days with interval of 18-20 days which was heavy with passage of big clots for first 4-5days. She changes 7-8 pads/day, next 3-4days moderate bleeding, changes 4-5pads/day was seen. Associated with fatigue patient was not able to do her normal activities. Diagnosed as Raktapradar according to Ayurveda.

Treatment: She was given Ashokaghrita 1tsf, twice a day before food daily for 6 months3.

Outcome: After three months of treatment patient showed significant relief in symptoms. Significant reduction in PV bleeding, proper intervals in between menses and reduction in passage of clots.

Conclusion: Significant relief can be achieved in patients of menorrhagia by applying principles of diagnosis and treatment of Asrigdhar. It’s single case study and can lay down road ahead for further research

Keywords: Asrigdhar, Menorrhagia, Ashokaghrita

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