“Importance of Nidana Panchak in Ayurveda”
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Nidan,Purvaroop, Roop, Upshaya, Samprapti, Tridosha.

How to Cite

Kokate, C. G., & Patil, R. (2019). “Importance of Nidana Panchak in Ayurveda”. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 7(02). Retrieved from https://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/347


             Ayurveda theIndian system of medicine,owns a special ideology for understanding the disease process & proper diagnosis of disease. Almost all Acharya’s have stated that diagnosis is very important and essential before proceeding to medicine prescription.One can arrive at the diagnosis by many ways and ideology but Nidan panchak is one of the finest and important method of diagnosing disease, its causes & prognosis. Nidan panchaka consist of 5 components viz; Nidan, Purvaroopa,Roopa,Upshaya& Samprapti. Every component of Nidan panchaka helps the physician for better understanding of disease process & treating the disease at an earliest possible stage.The details of Nidan panchaka & its importance in the diagnosis and treatment are explained briefly in this paper.

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