Avleha kalpna - A review
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Avaleha kalpna, kwath,

How to Cite

phnude, rahul digambar. (2019). Avleha kalpna - A review. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 7(03). Retrieved from https://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/351


In Ayurveda Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpna branch is more important. It deals with the preparation of medicine by using herbal, metal and animal origin substances. Herbal medicines are frequently used in Indian system of medicine since long time without any known side effect. Avaleha kalpana is a semi solid preparation of drugs, prepared with addition of jaggery, sugar or sugar candy and boiled with prescribed drug juice or decoction it is called as Avaleha. While preparing Avaleha Madhur dravya’s like Guda or Sharkara and honey are added to the juice or the Decoction. This article will review the concept of avaleha kalpana in the classics.

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