Effect of shodhana and shamana chikitsa in mandala kustha (psoriasis): A case study
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Kustha, Mandala Kustha, Shodhana Chikitsa, Virechana Karma, Shamana Chikitsa.

How to Cite

Sahu, J. B. (2019). Effect of shodhana and shamana chikitsa in mandala kustha (psoriasis): A case study. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 7(03). Retrieved from https://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/364


Skin is the largest organ of the body both by surface area and weight. This covers the entire body. The thickness of skin varies considerably over all parts of the body and between young and old, men and women. It helps to regulate body temperature, stores water fat and permit sensation of touch. Psoriasis is a chronic dermatosis characterized by covered by silvery loose scales. Treatment available on contemporary system is not curative but suppressive only. The prevalence of psoriasis is 8%. Prevalence equal in males and females. A case of Mandala Kustha discussed here. Patient successfully treated with Shodhana (Virechana karma) & Shamana Chikitsa. After course of 2 months treatment provides significant relief in Sign and Symptoms. In our classics mentioned Shodhana Chikitsa for Kustha Roga. Considering the sign and symptoms of patient was treated with classical Virechana karma (therapeutic purgation) and Shamana Chikitsa according to line of treatment of Kustha (Psoriasis). Assessment was done on before treatment, after treatment and after follow up of 2 months; pictures were taken before treatment and after treatment. Remarkable improvement was noticed, induration and itching after Virechana treatment.

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