A review on rakta pradoshaj vyadhis
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: rakta dhatu, raktavahasrotas. rakta pradoshaj vyadhis

How to Cite

Phake, P. P. (2019). A review on rakta pradoshaj vyadhis. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 7(03). Retrieved from https://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/374


In the physical body, rakta refers directly to the blood, specifically the red blood cells, and indirectly to the tendons and the bile. Rakta dhatu is formed from refined rasa; the mala of the blood is bile. Healthy rakta dhatu brings feeling of energized with a passion for life. The disease of the Raktavahasrotas are Kustha, Visrpa, Pidika, Kamala, Asrgdar, Arubuda, Arsa etc. all the skin diseases, haemolytic disease, gynaecological disorders, metabolic disorders come under Raktavahasrotas.

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