To make a fundamental understanding of the role of Yoga and Pranayama in Sthaulya along with their working mechanisms.
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Ashtaninditiya. Sthaulya, medadhatu, kapha, vata dosha

How to Cite

Gupta, M. (2019). To make a fundamental understanding of the role of Yoga and Pranayama in Sthaulya along with their working mechanisms. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 7(4). Retrieved from


Yoga aims to prevent disease, maintain health and to treat the diseases. Asanas & Pranayama help to keep the tridoshas under control and hence impart good health. Sthaulya is considered as one of the Ashtaninditiya. Sthaulya is the result of vikriti of medadhatu, vikriti of jatharagni and involvement of kapha and vata dosha . Sthaulya is one of the most prevalent non communicable disease in today’s era and Yoga & Pranayama play a major role in both preventing this condition and to treat it.

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Yoga aims to prevent disease, maintain health and to treat the diseases. Asanas & Pranayama help to keep the tridoshas under control and hence impart good health. Sthaulya is considered as one of the Ashtaninditiya. Sthaulya is the result of vikriti of medadhatu, vikriti of jatharagni and involvement of kapha and vata dosha . Sthaulya is one of the most prevalent non communicable disease in today’s era and Yoga & Pranayama play a major role in both preventing this condition and to treat it.

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