A Case study of Dushta Vrana treated with kampilakadi tail Vranabasti”


Dushta vrana, Shodhana & Ropana, kampilakadi Tail Vranabasti

How to Cite

Patil, M. B., & Dharne, V. (2018). A Case study of Dushta Vrana treated with kampilakadi tail Vranabasti”. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 6(02). Retrieved from https://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/75


“The destruction / break / rupture / discontinuity of body tissue / part of body, is called

VRANA†A clean wound in a normal body heals earlier with a minimum scar as compared to contaminated wound.

Wound healing is mechanism where the body attempts to restore the integrity of the injured part. Several factors affects the normal process of wound healing such as the site of wound, contamination (foreign bodies/bacterial), local factors like vascular insufficiency or previous radiation, systemic factors such as malnutrition, Disease like diabetes mellitus, Immune deficiencies and medications like steroids. Acharya Sushruta mentioned 60 Upakramas for the management of Vrana and local application of kampilakadi tail Vrana Basti is one among them. The local application of VranaBasti is one of the best substitutes for of chronic wound healing & the kampilakadi tail  have better shodhana & ropana effect. A case report of 34 year – old man, who presented with complaints of an open traumatic ulcer on the dorsum of the right foot associated with pain, discharge, slough, foul smell, oedema and discolouration of the skin has been presented here.


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