To study the role of triphaladi kwatha in the management of madhumeha with special reference to NIDDM


Madhumeha, Diabetes mellitus, amputation, cerebrovascular stroke

How to Cite

Shinde, S. T., Jaiswal, S. K., & Jaiswal, M. S. (2017). To study the role of triphaladi kwatha in the management of madhumeha with special reference to NIDDM. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 5(5). Retrieved from


Ayurveda is useful to get swasthya-health either by preventing the diseases invading human body or by curing man from disease. Ayurveda emphasized on prevention rather than cure. In today’s fast running world human being is inviting many diseases because of sub-standard quality of food, eating more than requirement, sleeping during day time, eating fast food and increased stress in society. Madhumeha can be correlated with Diabetes mellitus in modern medicine, is attracting the whole world as a non-infectious epidemic/pandemic. The prevalence of diabetes is on the rise, more alarmingly in the developing countries. Besides multiplying the risks for coronary heart diseases, diabetes enhances the incidence of cerebrovascular strokes. Moreover, it is the leading cause of acquired blindness and accounts for over 25% of cases with end stage renal failure as well as 50% of non-traumatic lower limb amputations. Inspite of achieving new horizons in technology and getting all facilities and comforts with the help of such technology we are losing health status of our body and mind. The WHO defines ‘Health’ as a state of complete physical, mental, social, spiritual well being and not merely an absence of diseases and infirmity. Mithyaahar, mithyavihar and pradnyaparadha are the main etiological factors for any diseases. Madhumeha /Diabetes mellitus has become a favorite and fascinating subject for the researchers of various medical fields now a day. In this present study ‘Triphaladi Kwatha’ is used for the treatment of Madhumeha, to understand the effectiveness of this compound in control and prevention of diabetes and its complications.


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