Concept of Shiroabhyanga


Shiroabhyanga, Murdha taila, Snehan, Head Massage.

How to Cite

Kumbhar, J. L., & Patil, J. P. (2018). Concept of Shiroabhyanga. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 6(04). Retrieved from


Shiroabhyanga is narrated in many Samhitas as a part of dinacharya (daily regime of personal hygiene) and part of treatment for shiroroga. Shiroabhyanga is to be considered in snehan therapy. As it nourishes the senses of mind and gives the strength. Before starting any type of research, an Ayurvedic research scholar is required to go through critical literary review. This is a lantern in the direction of the pathway of that particular work. This review article deals with nirukti (Origin) paribhasha (definition), classification, benefits, procedure, modern review of the Shiroabhyanga and hypothetic reasoning of its action.


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