Management of Indralupta (Alopecia areata) through Ayurvedic treatment - A Case Study
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Indralupta, kshudra roga, Tridosha,

How to Cite

Pawar, D. k pawar. (2022). Management of Indralupta (Alopecia areata) through Ayurvedic treatment - A Case Study. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 10(04). Retrieved from


Indralupta (Alopecia areata) is a disease of the scalp in which hair loss is the primary clinical symptom. The pathophysiology of Indralupta is the vitiated Tridosha and Rakta affecting the scalp and also blockage of hair follicles with aggravated Rakta and Kapha which further prevents regrowth of hairs. An autoimmune condition known as alopecia areata causes patchy hair loss on the body or scalp without any obvious evidence of inflammation. Indralupta is a disorder characterized by patchy hair loss, especially across the scalp, and is described as kapalagata roga by Acharya Vagbhata and as kshudra roga by Acharya Sushruta and Madhava.  Aim: To evaluate the role of Ayurveda treatment in Indralupta. Materials & Methods: A male adult aged 28 years suffering from a single patch of hair loss over the occipital of scalp was treated with both external and internal Ayurvedic therapy along with oil application for 30 days with follow-up at every 15 days in between. Clinical evaluations were conducted both before and after treatment. Variations in hair regrowth over the patch were observed to gauge the degree of relief from the complaints. Results: After 15 days of treatment, there was a very tiny hair regrowth. The patch was partially covered with hairs on the second follow-up. Conclusion: The current case study demonstrated the effectiveness of 30-day Ayurvedic treatment for Indralupta, which included both external and internal drugs.

Keywords: Indralupta, kshudra roga, Tridosha,

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