The Role of yoga in menopausal transition - A clinical trial
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Chawre, D. (2022). The Role of yoga in menopausal transition - A clinical trial. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 10(04). Retrieved from


ABSTRACT-Menopause is a significant event in the women life. It marks the end of the reproductive changes in her body ,this transition in females is accompanied with certain symptoms which is termed as menopausal syndrome. In earlier days the prevalence of this syndrome was less . Along with the change in lifestyle and diet ,we see more and more females suffering result in this transition . The purpose of this study is to explore the result of yoga and diet in menopausal transition. from this syndrome . Rajonivttiti as a disease is not described separately in our classical ayurvedic text, swabhava or nature can be assumed as the main causative factor responsible for rajonivrriti. To overcome this symptoms hormonal replacement therapy is advised in modern pathy  ,but it has certain limitations. Yoga and diet as a alternative therapy is supposed to have wonderful

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