A Clinical trial of PanchatikattaKsheer Basti in the Management of Katigrahaw.s.r. to degenerative changes of intervertebral disc at lumbar region.
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Katigraha is degenerative condition in which affecting vertebral bodies and vertebral disc and its associate with lumbar spine. We can correlate katishoolin lumbar spondylosis, low back pain affects approximately 60.85% of adult during some point of their life and 10% of this is because of lumbar spondylosis.Katigraha owing to the grasping pain or stiffness in the kati Pradesh. Kati is one of the vatasthanas,pain and stiffness is caused byvata. Hence,katigraha may be consideredas vatavyadhi. Basti is the Agryachikitsa for vatadosha.PanchtikattaKsheerBasti is Vathar, Bruhan and Prishtashoolhar it should be good in degenerative condition associated with pain affecting Trik region like lumbar spondylosis. Aim:- clinical trial of PanchatikattaKsheer Basti in the Management of Katigraha (degenerative changes of intervertebral disc at lumbar region.) Objective: Establish the Mechanism of Action of PanchatikattaKsheer Basti in the Management of Katigraha . Materials and methods: Panchtikata ksheer Basti is given to 40 dignosed patient after application of Inclusion and Exclusion criteria in Yogbasti Pattern for 8 days. Observations & Results : Katigraha is observed in mostly after 45 age and female are more affected than male.Middle class and poor patients are generally affected by katigraha .workers and housewife are more suffered by katigraha.After complication 8 days of Panchatikta ksheer basti lumber pain ,stiffness of the lumber and lower limb ,numbness and tingling sensation of the lower limb are foundsignificent results. Conclusion: PanchatikattaKshir Basti Is found to be having very important role in the treatment of by considering it as Katigraha.
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