A observational study to analyse the association between Deha Prakriti and Bala W. S. R. to Harvard step test
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Bala, Kapha Prakriti, Dosha, Vyayama

How to Cite

Rani, A., P. C. Mangal, Devendra Khurana, & Manisha Khatri. (2024). A observational study to analyse the association between Deha Prakriti and Bala W. S. R. to Harvard step test. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 12(1). Retrieved from https://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/1196


According to Ayurveda A person’s health depends on his ‘constitution’ by which he or she is born and how he adapts himself to his environment. Constitution explains his achievements in ‘Health’ and defeats in ‘Disease’. Prakriti is mainly considered as the Svabhava of an individual. It is the genetically determined constitution that categorizes individuals into differentiating characteristics. Acharya Charaka and Sushruta described Bala whose function is closely related to physical strength. Bala is to support and maintain the power inherent in the body which opposes, inhibits, contains, and binds the virulence and strength of disease-causing factors. The Bala is tested by analyzing the person's physical fitness index through the Harvard step test. It is a kind of physical endurance test. It is a good measurement of fitness and a person’s ability to recover after a strenuous exercise. The people who have Kapha Prakriti are more “Balavanta” or have “Uttamabala”, people of Pitta Prakriti possess “Madhyamabala” and those who have Vata Prakriti possess “Alpabala. In context to the present study, the Vata Prakriti individual has a poor physical fitness index and, hence should be monitored with special care Kapha Prakriti has a good physical fitness index so they can do strenuous work more efficiently., Ayurveda has given significant importance to Bala and Prakriti for survival and performing important functions inside the body.

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