Ayurveda Understanding of Sthaulya (Obesity) - Short Communication

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Noorjahan Mujawar
Manasi Mahesh Kulkarni
Sulbha Dnyanoba Kalame
Vaishali Gautam Andure


Obesity is generally caused by many factors and among them sedentary lifestyle is most common. No perfect solution is available though it is an emerging global problem.   WHO estimated obesity as a global epidemic giving rise to a new term as Globesity. Ayurveda has considered Obesity as Sthaulya and Medoroga. Sthaulya is a predominant metabolic disorder. Charak describes it in Ashta Nindita purusha. Sthaulya is one of the lifestyle disorders that causes impaired health. It can lead to many systemic disorders like Hypertension, Type 2 Diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, infertility, hepatic steatosis/ fatty liver, endocrine abnormalities, obstetric complications, osteoarthritis of weight-bearing joints, certain types of Cancers, and psychological illness. The prevalence of sthaulya is increasing faster in India than worldwide.it has become essential to understand etiopathogenesis and management of sthaulya because of its frightful consequences. In Ayurvedic literature, many remedies, techniques and drugs are described to treat the Sthaulya and its complications. It can be managed by nidan parivarthana, ahar ,vihar and aushadhi.


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How to Cite
Mujawar, N., Manasi Mahesh Kulkarni, Sulbha Dnyanoba Kalame, & Vaishali Gautam Andure. (2024). Ayurveda Understanding of Sthaulya (Obesity) - Short Communication . Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 12(03). Retrieved from https://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/1221
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