Local and therapeutic intervention in the management of dushta vrana w.s.r. to tropic ulcer – a case study


Dushtavrana,Kashay, tropic ulcer

How to Cite

Nimje, A., & Chavan, D. (2018). Local and therapeutic intervention in the management of dushta vrana w.s.r. to tropic ulcer – a case study. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 6(04). Retrieved from https://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/132


An ulcer is a break in the continuity of the covering epithelium- skin or mucous membrane. Trophic ulcer is a kind of nonspecific ulcer. Wound healing is a mechanism where the body attempts to restore the integrity of the injured part. A clear wound heals earlier with a minimum scar as compared to contaminated wound. Several factors affect the normal process of wound healing such as the site of ulcer, vascular insufficiency, malnutrition, neurological deficit and drugs like corticosteroids.

AcharyaSushruta mentioned 60 Upakramasfor the management of Vrana, Kashay

Are among them. With NyagrodhadiKashaypatient was treated successfully and after the follow up ulcer was healed completely and the patient showed marked improvement. A case report of 26-year young male presented with an ulcer over the left foot which was painless, slough on the floor and loss of sensation over the distal 2/3rd of left foot has been presented here.



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