Benefits of Padabhyanga in maintaining ocular health w.s.r. to Marma therapy
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Ashtanga Hridya identifies 4 major nerves in the feet that connect to the eyes. These nerves help in maintaining good eyesight and relieve eyestrain when subjected to soothing therapies like padabhyanga. Padabhyanga is a holistic therapy and a religious approach towards an effective psychosomatic healing. According to Charak and Vagbhatta it is described as drishtiprasadak and according to Sushruta chakshushya. It can be done with the help of ghrita or taila, eg- tila taila, ksheerbala taila, eranda taila, goghruta. Other than this kansya vati padabhyanga can also be done as it balances the tridoshas. Marma Vijgyana theory of Ayurveda is the base of Acupressure, Acupuncture and Reflexology treatments. These therapies include healing the diseases by massage on the marma points. The reflexology points of eye are situated on the undersides of second and third toes. Doing massage on these points maintains the eye health and benefits in digital eye strain, dry eye, computer vision syndrome, myopia, hypermetropia, presbyopia, astigmatism, amblyopia and many other eye diseases. The medicated ghrita or taila gets absorbed via the siras, reaches the structures of the eyes, pacifies the doshas, reduces strain and provides soothing effect by nourishing the eyes.
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2. Kaviraj Ambikadutta Sashtri, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Edition-2013, Sushruta Samhita, Chikitsasthan 24th chapter, 70th shloka, page no. 136.
3. Kaviraj Atridev Gupta, Chaukhamba Prakashan, Edition-2010, Ashtanga Sangraha Samhita, Sutrasthan 3rd chapter, 17th shloka.
4. Kaviraj Atridev Gupta, Chaukhambha Prakashan, Edition-2010, Ashtanga Hridyam Samhita, Uttartantra 16th chapter, 66th shloka, page no.691.
5. Textbook of Reflexology and Acupressure by Janet Wright, Edition-2013.
6. Textbook of Ayurveda and Marma Therapy: Energy points in yogic healing By David Frawley, Edition- 2013
7. The Reflexology Atlas by Bernard C Kolster, Edition-2014.
8. International Journal Of Ayurveda And Pharma Research, October 2015, Volume-3, issue-10