Contribution of Ayurveda in management of Asthimajja Vidradhi (Chronic infective Osteomyletis) - A Case Report


: Infective osteomyelitis, Radical resection, Suvarna Samirpannaga Rasa, Dhara,

How to Cite

SAWARKAR, G. R., & Sawarkar, P. (2018). Contribution of Ayurveda in management of Asthimajja Vidradhi (Chronic infective Osteomyletis) - A Case Report. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 6(04). Retrieved from


Osteomyelitis is an inflammation of the bone caused by an infecting organism. The overall incidence of osteomyelits is higher in developing countries. Early and specific treatment and identification of the causative microorganisms are essential in osteomyelitis. Treatments (debridement, incision and drainage) are aimed at suppressing infection and improving vascularity. Inadequate therapy may lead to relapsing infection and progression to chronic infection. Chronic osteomyelitis is curable only with radical resection or amputation.

A substantially high cost of surgical approach, high recurrence, resistance to antibiotics demands to search supportive, effective and safe treatment in Ayurveda. Through it is clear that various modes of Ayurvedic therapy can offer us good supportive treatment protocol.

Objectives- To study supportive and effective role of Ayurvedic therapies in Chronic Infective osteomyilitis .

Material and Methods:- A 41 years female  patient who was  known case of  Chronic   infective osteomyelitis  since 9 months and who underwent for surgery and contemporary medicines  but having no any radiological  and symptomatic improvement. After 3 months of disease she  approached  to Ayurvedic hospital and was prescribed ayurvedic  treatment including local Snehana with Murrivenna and Dhanavantar Oil, Lepa with Punaranavadi Lepa  ,Dhanvantar  Taila Dhara externally and for internal administration Asthimajjapachaka Choorna and combination of Samirpannaga Rasa +Sukshama Triphala Guggulu+Guduchi Satva was started along with Phalatrikadi Qwath. These treatment was continued for consecutive 6 months. Outcome   of these treatment was so encouraging to us.

Result: After 6 months, the patient was found to have a substantial recovery in symptoms and radiological findings without any recurrence. Results obtained in this case demonstrate that management of infective osteomyelitis with support of various modes of Ayurvedic therapy may offer a good approach to manage this deficit.

Conclusion: Ayurvedic management can play good supportive role to manage critical condition such as infective osteomyelitis .



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