The Management of Asthibhagna by Ayurvedic Concepts, a Review
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Ayurveda is a complete science of life where we get elaborate descriptions about prevention and management of disease. Sushruta has mentioned detailed diagnosis and management for all orthopedic injuries under the heading, Bhagna. Bhagna as described by Sushruta is not merely a condition of fracture but it is the group of clinical entities of musculoskeletal system with traumatic origin. The principle of Bhagna management defined by Sushruta centuries ago are as per the condition suggestive surgical or conservative treatment. Sushruta has described the fundamentals of fracture management like Reduction (Bhagnasthapna), Immobilization (Sthirikarna) and Rehabilitation(Sukhcheshta prasartwam). Also, he has described various types of Bandhanas, management of malunion, management of open fractures. Different types of management techniques have been described according to the types of fractures e.g. Talabhagna, Shirobhagna Chikitsa. Various modalities for the management of fracture developed down the centuries, but the basic fundamentals described by Sushruta are still appreciably relevant, rational and practical. This paper expounds the wisdom of orthopedic branch in ancient times especially fracture and it’s management with possible modern correlations. It would be worthwhile to explore the concepts, theories and techniques which were practical thousand years ago hold true even in modern era.
Key Words – Asthibhagna, Ayurved, Management.
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