Role of virechana karma in the symptoms of Udavarta yonivyapad

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Bhavana Lachhiram Rathod
Ramesh D. Sonwane


 Apathya Sevana & Vegadharana causes vitiation of Vata & its Pratiloma Gati results into cramping type of lower abdominal pain which gets relieved with expulsion of Raja (menstrual flow).[1]  Along with the Katishula is also the symptom by which many women are suffering. Patients of Udavarta Yonivyapad widely uses analgesics, antispasmodic, prostaglandin inhibitors any many more medicines which later on arises lot of adverse effects. Our treatise has mentioned Shamana & Shodhana Chikitsa to treat this. Panchakarma have ray of hope to this to treat & that Shamana & Shodhana Chikitsa in it so Virechana treatment was given [2]. Ayurveda has lot of treatments for this which are easy to take & also cost effective. Shodhana Chikitsa is always better than Shamana because it works on the root cause of the disease.


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How to Cite
Rathod, B. L., & Sonwane, R. D. (2018). Role of virechana karma in the symptoms of Udavarta yonivyapad. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 6(5th). Retrieved from
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