“A randomised open clinical trial to study the efficacy of Vachadi Ghrita for painful dentitionâ€
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Teething, i.e. the process of eruption of teeth is a natural developmental process and is regarded as an important milestone in a child’s growth and development. The first period of teething takes about two and a half years, with the first tooth erupting between six and eight months and all other teeth before the age of three years. Teething pain sometimes referred to as “Dentitio Difficilis†i.e. the commonest symptom associated with the eruption of primary dentition. The redness and swelling of the gums before a tooth comes through is the cause for the pain which baby experiences during teething. In Ayurveda, painful teething can be co related to Dantodabhedajanya Shoola. It is described in classical text like Kashyapa Samhita, Ashtanga Hriday, Ashtanga Sangraha. Prevalence rate of painful teething in India is 68%.
Therefore, this study was planned to facilitates healthy and pain free dentition. For this, 60 patients of age group 6 months to 24 months of both sexes were randomly selected from OPD of Kaumarbhritya department of D. Y. Patil College of Ayurveda, Nerul, New Mumbai Maharashtra, and Vachadi Ghruta is given according to age criteria. All children were subjected to symptoms, before and after 3 months of treatment.
The study has proved that efficacy of drug is found to be effective in the management of painful dentition.
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