A clinical study- management of Arma with Nayansukhavarti Anjan

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Yogesh Kumar Sisodiya
Tushar Firke


Eyes are the most sensitive and vulnerable part of our body. Air born infection, UV rays, pollutants, dust and other particles can land directly on the surface of eye, causing eye disease. Arma is defined as gradually developing continuous wing like growth in shukla mandla from either Kaninika sandhi (inner canthus) or Apang sandhi (outer canthus) towards Krishna mandala, causing discomfort in eye. Pterygium found in people residing in tropical and subtropical area. Risk factor included outdoor work, exposure to sunlight, dry and dusty climate etc. Due to geographic and climatic condition Pterygium is a common ocular disorder in India. The Ayurvedic science can be explored to find a better alternative to manage this condition. Arma which is in the early stage having thin membrane and curd like bluish/ red coloured and smoky should be treated by lekhana anjan and recurrence rate is very rare after anjana kriyakalpa. So considering all facts Nayansukha varti anjana selected for Arma chikitsa. In the present study, 10 patients of Arma were selected and administered Nayansukha varti anjana (Pradhan karma) after Deepan-pachan & Nasya karma (Poorvakarma) and shamana chikitsa with triphala churna. Nayansukha varti anjana have lekhaniya and rasayana property which is useful in Arma chikitsa. A significant relief was found in signs & symptoms of Arma after the treatment and no any adverse effect found after treatment. Drugs used in treatment are easily available drugs and cost-effective.


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How to Cite
Sisodiya, Y. K., & Firke, T. (2018). A clinical study- management of Arma with Nayansukhavarti Anjan. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 6(5th). Retrieved from https://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/163
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Author Biography

Tushar Firke

Professor and HOD, Dept. of Shalakya Tantra, SMBT  Ayurved College & Hospital, Dhamangaon, Nashik, Maharashtra