An Ayurvedic management of PCOD: A Review
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PCOD can be managed with Ayurvedic diet. Ovarian Syndrome is one of the most common female endocrine disorders affecting approximately 5% to 10% of women of reproductive age and is thought to be one of theleading causes of female sub-fertility. The symptoms of PCOS may begin in adolescence with menstrual irregularities, infertility, high levels of masculinising hormones, metabolic syndromes.In Ayurveda, this condition is not explained as a single disease, but can be under the headings of Yonivyapad and Artavadushti. In this study, elementary books of Ayurveda and modern were searched and analyzed for proper utilization in prevention and cure of PCOS. PCOS is an emerging problem among women leading to endocrine dysfunction.Treatment modalities aim at clearing obstruction in pelvis, treating Agnimandhya at Jatharagni,Dhatwagni level and alleviating Srotoavarodha and ultimately regularizing the Apana Vata. PCOD can be managed with Ayurvedic dietary management.
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