A comprehensive review of senile immature cataract and its correlation with kaphaj kach in ayurvedic literature.

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Swapna Ramakant Patil
Shilpa Dhote


Ayurveda, The science of life, since its origin is serving the mankind throughout in health & disease state of life. Shalakyatantra, one of its specialized branch deals with the science of Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Orodental surgery & Head; was contributed and developed by Rajrishi Nimi, the King of Videha, who was a colleague of Atreya, Punarvasu, Dhanwantri, Bharadwaja, Kashyapa etc. The available literature related to this speciality is reproduced from original text of Nimitantra in Uttartantra of Sushruta samhita.

Correlation of Tritiya Patalagata kach with modern science is varies according to different authors, but according to some it can be correlated with different stages of senile immature cataract after considering the signs and symptoms and histological changes in the lens.One of the oldest concepts is that precipitation, denaturation, coagulation or agglutination of soluble lens protein is responsible for lens opacification. Accordingly after considering signs and  symptoms, here correlating Kaphaja kach with Senile Immature Cataract. Senile immature Cataract is also called as age related Cataract. It is one of the major causes for the age related visual impairment and blindness. It affects 11.5- to 15.5 million persons worldwide. At certain age of life, opacification of lens starts in everyone’s eye which leads to gradual diminished vision or loss of vision. which means gradual opacification leads to cataract. According to modern science, senile immature cataract can be correlated with kaphaja kach. In modern science surgery is the only treatment available in cataract. In Ayurveda our Acharyas have mentioned various procedures like anjana, aschotana, pariseka, tarpana to delay kach or arrest the procedure of opacification. which can be useful in senile immature cataract.


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How to Cite
Patil, S. R., & Dhote, S. (2018). A comprehensive review of senile immature cataract and its correlation with kaphaj kach in ayurvedic literature. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 6(5th). Retrieved from https://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/176
Review Articles
Author Biography

Shilpa Dhote

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Shalakya Tantra, College of Ayurved and Research Centre, Nigdi, Pune, Maharashtra-18.


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