Role of manas bhav in skin diseases
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Ayurveda is the science which provides preventive measures in healthy person and provides best treatment to diseased one. Skin is the largest part of body which is the protecting covering as well as reflection of internal system. In Ayurveda various dermatological diseases discussed with its etiopathogenesis, classification and management and also described the wide range of etiological factors for Skin diseases including psychosocial factors. Ayurvedic Samhitas clearly explaind the strong relation between Satva(mind) and Sharir(body) and the eternal relation between Tvacha(Skin) and (Mind/Psyche)mana. Vatadi doshas & Rajas-Tamas Doshas are responsible for the Vyadhi utpatti in Shareera and Manas. Respectively. Manasika bhavas are the Vikaara of Manasika doshas Rajas and Tamas. Manas vikara affect the mind as well as body. It is a unique concept that the influence of the Manasika Bhavas in the manifestation of the Skin diseases. The objectives of the present review article include to discuss different aspects of Skin Diseases.
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