Review Of Rasayan Chikitsa According To The Srotas In Geriatric Disorders
APPA Conference


:- Ageing , Rasayan chikitsa, Strotas

How to Cite

chandanshive, shlesha d. (2018). Review Of Rasayan Chikitsa According To The Srotas In Geriatric Disorders. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 6(06). Retrieved from



Ageing is essentially a physiological phenomenon usually defined as the progressive loses of biological functions accompanied by decreasing fertility and increasing mortality with advancing age. It represents structural and functional changes of an organism over its life span. Ayurveda considers ageing as biological nature of living being and believes in natural cycle of birth-senescence-death-rebirth as the very destiny of the life. Ayurveda Rasayan Therapy has given powerful contribution and rejuvenates the body and the mind.the present study explains Rasayan Chikitsa in various Geriatric Disorders according to Srotas mentioned in Ayurvedic texts.


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