Role of leech therapy in surgical diseases

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Priyanka Vaijenath Lad
Nita Kedare


Since ancient times Leeches were used to treat many diseases through bloodletting. According to Ayurveda Leech therapy is para surgical treatment modality. It is also called as bloodletting therapy. The description about leech therapy found in Sushrut Samhita.Sushruta has described the nature of leeches, their habit and method of application. Leeches secrete more than 20 identified bioactive substances such as Antistasin, Eglins, Eumerin, Hirudinetc. These enzymes have Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory as well as Antimicrobial effect. An enzyme has the ability to stay in the blood and do vasodilatation and further facilitate the blood supply to the surrounding tissue and helps to promote healing. Leeches were the primitive tool of surgical procedures since ages and the importance of leeches has not been diminished in modern era also and hence it can be used as conservative treatment in surgical diseases like Thrombosed haemorrhoids, Cellulitis and abscess and surgical intervention can be avoided.


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How to Cite
Lad, P. V., & Kedare, N. (2018). Role of leech therapy in surgical diseases. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 6(5th). Retrieved from
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