The importance of Abhyanga in Dincharya in present era: A literary review.
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Abhyanga, Dincharya, Shiroabhyanga, Padabhayang, Sarvangabhyanga, Karnapuran.

How to Cite

Puradakar, G. S., Dudhamal, A. S., & Sharma, D. (2018). The importance of Abhyanga in Dincharya in present era: A literary review. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 6(07). Retrieved from


Ayurveda is a ‘science of life†which provides not only curative but also preventive principles for healthy and long life. Ayurveda is a lifestyle; a science and art of appropriate living that ensures health and longevity of human being.

Abhyanga which is one among the Dincharya, is also a part of therapeutic procedures of Panchakarma therapy. As it nourishes the senses of mind and gives the strength, but if done in the region like localized in head, neck, legs etc then it is termed as  Shiroabhyanga, padaabhyanga etc. Full body massage gives strength to whole body but localized massage gives strength to that particular part of the body. Localized massage can be practiced by self. Thus it is easy to practice. But for abhyanga one need to be dependent in massage trainer. The instructions to be followed under localized massage also. It gives its benefits when it is done in the right manner only.

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2. Brahmanand tripathi, Ashtang Hridaya, Chokhamba Surbharti Publication Varanasi. reprint 2003 Sutra Sthan Dincharaya Adhyaya, page no.-29-32.
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4. cited on date 10/09/2018
5. cited on date 10/09/2018

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