A Classical approach towards Vaatrakta
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Failure in treating number of patients of joint disorders with diagnoses other than Vaatarakta made to think in depth about the concept of Vaatrakta. Objective of the article is to understand a disease as mentioned in ancient classical texts of Ayurveda (samhitas) without making any alterations which helps not only in treating cases of joint disorders successfully but also help understand various important principles of Ayurveda treatments.
Understanding aetiology (hetu), clinical features (linga), pathophysiology (samprapti),differential diagnosis and prognosis (sadhyasadhyata)are essentials factors to reach absolute diagnosis upto vyakta and bhed levelof kriya kaal of the disease which is the first and foremost important part of classical approach. Charts of hetu, lakshan and sadhyasadhyata make it easy to chalk out samprapti and hence samprapti vighatan becomes relatively easier. Line of Treatment, its principles to be followed and cautions mentioned while considering line of treatment is second essential part to decide classical way of treatment as mentioned in Samhitas. Treatment (Chikitsa) of vaatrakta is mentioned stepwise to counter samprapti systematically which seems to be easier task if diagnosis is precise and error free. This approach seems to be very effective which can prevent reoccurrence of the disease i.e. apuanrbhav chikitsa.
Most of the times diagnosis Vaatrakta is confused with Aamavaata samprapti(a stage of a disease) which hasn’t been given any importance in Bruhatrayee as it seem to be ancondition of several diseases and not a separate disease entity.
Importance of classical approach towards vaatrakta assures its successful treatment to achieve Dhatu Samya and Apunarabhava.
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