Known and unknown causes of cancer
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Cancer, Hetu, Causes, Factors

How to Cite

patil, A. (2019). Known and unknown causes of cancer. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 7(03). Retrieved from


According to Ayurved, Cancer is a group of chronic disorders related to long term uncorrected disturbances affecting various dhatus and doshas. Unhealthy lifestyles and exposures to cancer causing chemicals are important but not the exclusive, causes of cancer. There are many other known and unknown factors initiating the cancer process. There are numerous theories to explain what causes cancer. So in order to know the importance of hetu(causes) and make people aware of diseases, the concept of hetu as a diagnostic tool has been explained in this article. For proper diagnosis of disease hetu is one of the most important points for diagnosis of disease.

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