A Review on Ayurvedic perspective of Garbhini Chardi (Vomiting in pregnancy )management
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Ayurvedic perspective
Garbhini Chardi, Vomiting in pregnancy, Garbhini Chardi Chikitsa

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Mali, B. G. (2019). A Review on Ayurvedic perspective of Garbhini Chardi (Vomiting in pregnancy )management. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 7(05). Retrieved from https://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/434


Garbhini Chardi is one among the 8 Garbhopdravas mentioned in Harita Samhitaas. Chardi is mentioned as a disease in all Samhitas. Chardi can be a Vyaktagarbha-Lakshana or a Vyadhi or Updrva in other disease. There is no separate chapter that explain about Garbhini Chardi in details.  Aacharya Sushruta explained Vyakta Garbha Lakshanas as vomiting without apparent cause, aversion from good smells, salivation and tiredness etc. Aacharya Charaka and Vagbhata also mentioned vomiting as Vyakta Garbha Lakshana. Aacharya Charaka has compared pregnant women with Taila Purna Patra which can spill of even by small disturbances hence seeking proper attention. Pregnancy vomiting should be treated by providing agreeable attendance and desired articles, in other words if the woman is given desired fruits, edibles, drinkables and lickables etc. She will not eject them, besides other management should be done considering relative dominance of different Doshas.

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2. Shri Laxmipatishastri – Yogaratnakara, Ashtam Sanskaran-2004, Choukhamba Sanskrita Sansthana Varanasi, Choukhamba publications, page no.421.
3. Hemaraj Sharma, Kashyapa Samhita, Choukhamba Sanskrita Sansthana Varanasi, Sansakaran – Chaturtha 1998.
4. Hiralal konar, D.C.DUTTA’S Textbook of obstetrics, 7th edition: 2011, new central book agency(p) Ltd. Page no.154-157.
5. Premavati Tivari, Ayurvediya Striroga and Prasutitantra-part 1, Choukhamba orientella, reprint-2003, page no.246-250.
6. Dr. Madhu,M., Garbhini Chardi and its management, http://www.journalijdr.com

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