Innermost reconciliation through vipassana
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Health is described by the word swasth in Sanskrit which means to be established in the self. Health is really moment to moment awareness and this can be obtained through meditation.
Reconciliation means to restore the compatibility or harmony and to restore sacred. while practicing reconciliation, we reconcile our self to the truth that in this movement, there are painful differences or polarities between you and another and rather allowing your heart to become closed to the another it tremendous cost to your wellbeing, it draining your energy in hopeless demands that what has already happened or not to be true.
Vipassana is the word in Pali language translated as “Insight a clear awareness of exactly what is happening as it happens. Vipassana is a direct and gradual cultivation of mindfulness or awareness. The main effect of the practice is that we get a deep understanding of the nature of our self. It brings inner peace ultimately restore compatibility or harmony.
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