The Role of Agni karma in the management of Planter Fasciitis
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Keywords: Vatakantaka, Vata-dosha, Agni karma, Sandhigata vata, Asthi, Ushna, Vyavayi.

How to Cite

Rucha Pawar, & Dr. Vinod Choudhari. (2020). The Role of Agni karma in the management of Planter Fasciitis. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 8(02). Retrieved from


 Planter fasciitis is commonly found in 80% population in the society which is caused due to the affection of calcaneum. It is often seen in females and individuals over 35 years. It is one of the most troublesome complaints affecting the individuals in their routine work. Acharya Sushruta suggests the disease planter fasciitis can be correlated with Vatakantaka which is caused by vitiated Vata dosha due to constant standing and walking. Planter fasciitis can develop due to walking on uneven roads with ill fitting footwear which causes silent and repeated injury resulting into inflammation of planter fascia which results into painful heel, tenderness, early morning stiffness & restricted movements of heel. Sushruta has mentioned different methods of  management of diseases, such as Bheshaja karma, Kshara karma, Agni karma, Shastrakarma and Raktamokshana. Aim-To study the role of Agnikarma in the management of Planter Fascitis. Objectives: To study planter fasciitis.To study the role of Agnikarma in planter fasciitis. Results and Discussion: Chronic Planter fasciitis can develop due to use of walking on uneven roads with ill fitting footwear which causes silent and repeates injury resulting into inflammation of planter fascia which results into painful heel, tenderness, restricted movements of heel, During the use of Agnikarma chikitsa, we take the Agni in the shalaka by making it Red Hot on fire. The Agni from shalaka is to be transferred to the diseased part, the dhatoo (twacha). The Dhatu Agni gets utkleshit (Activated). The activated dhatoo Agni use to produce Dosh Pachan.


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