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Deshpande, M. D. D. (2020). An ANATOMICAL EXPLANATION OF ABHYANGA (AN AYURVEDIC MASSAGE). Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 8(02). Retrieved from


INTRODUCTION-  Acharya Sushruta defines health it follows the Doshas must be in equilibrium, the digestive fire must be in a balanced state & the tissue (Dhatus) & Malas (waste) must work in normal state. The sensory & motar organs & mind, atma must be also in a pleasant state. Such person is called a healthy person or Sawastha. so it is clear that maintain a good health was for the longevity of life. Maharishi Charaka has used term ‘Samhanan’ to denotes the compactness of body. A compact body is characterized by symmetrical & well divided bones, joint, muscles, bloods. An individual having a compact body is very strong otherwise he is weak. Aabhyanga is the therapeutic intervention of panchkarma in which the body is treated with simple or medicated oil on particular body part according to need. Whenever these is a discomfort or uneasiness over the body we unknowowingly try to soothe it through massage

AIM: To Study Anatomical Explanation Of Abhyanga (An Ayurvedic Massage)

OBJECTIVE: 1. Detail Study of Abhyanga

  1. Study about Shatang Sharir

RESULT: Aabhyanga a procedure of panchkarma in which the body is treated with simple or medicated oil on particular body part according to need.

CONCLUSION: Thus we can conclude that Anatomical knowledge of Shadanga Sharir is quite beneficial while attempting the process of Abhyanga.

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