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Kaphaj kasa ,Shiladi churna , Shodhan ,Shaman ,Productive cough

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Divya Ashok kasbe. (2020). “ EFFECT OF SHILADI CHURNA ON KAPHAJ KASA – A SINGLE CASE STUDY ”. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 8(02). Retrieved from https://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/512


  Kasa is itself a system but when it persist for long time it becomes Disease. There are 5 types of kasa ( vataj , pittaj , kaphaj , kshayaj , kshataj)(1)

Various shodhana and shamana therapies are mentioned for treatment of kaphaj kasa in classics . There are various medications used over the kaphaj kasa but shiladi churna is a n unique formulation which is under practice of vaidyas .

So in the present study single patient study taken .The result of the study was assessed on clinical improvement . After completion of the therapy it was found that shiladi churna is very effective for management of kaphaj kasa wiyhout any adverse effect .


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