Intrauterine growth retardation (upavishataka garbhavyapad) and it’s ayurved and modern management – review of literatures.
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IUGR ,Garbhavyapad , upavishtak , Ayurveda.

How to Cite

snehal, snehal. (2020). Intrauterine growth retardation (upavishataka garbhavyapad) and it’s ayurved and modern management – review of literatures. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 8(02). Retrieved from


According to modern science , intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) is an important causes of fetal and neonatal morbidity and mortality.

   In IUGR development and maturity of foetus delayed or impaired . Fetal growth restriction is said to be present in those babies whose birth weight is below the 10th percentile of the average for the gestational age. Growth restriction can occure in preterm , term, or post term babies.(1)  Placental insufficiency or utero placental insufficiency is most imp. Cause of intrauterine growth restriction.

   The signs and   symptoms of IUGR and Upavishtaka are same .In Ayurveda Upavishtak is described under Garbhavyapads.In ayurvedic literature , there are many natural formulations ,various drugs have been described  for treatment is based upon basic principles such as rasa , guna ,veerya,vipak of drugs.Hence to study the consept of IUGR (upavishtaka) according to modern and Ayurveda; this topic has been selected for study.

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