Acute Management of Parikartika (fissure in ano) by Tila Taila Matra basti: Case study.
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parikartika,tila tail,matra basti,fissure in ano.

How to Cite

Gundre, R. (2020). Acute Management of Parikartika (fissure in ano) by Tila Taila Matra basti: Case study. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 8(02). Retrieved from


In today’s modern life style which is  more over sedentary life having more diseases than ever .one of them is fissure in ano caused by many reasons such as low fibre diet, non vegetarian diet, low physical activity, junk food, irregular meals, stress which all causes irregular bowel movements and constipation leads to the passage of hard stool causing erosion  and deep tear through the skin  of  anal margin extending in to anal canal which named as parikartika i.e. fissure in ano. In this study a single case was taken to treat the acute stage of fissure in ano with tila taila matra basti for 3 days only. assessment was done on the basis of acute pain ,burning sensation, spasm, itching ,constipation(hard stool).The acute stage was controlled in 1 hour to 2 days .

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