Management of Mutrashmari by Ayurveda – A Case Study
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Ayurveda, single renal calculi, Hydronephrosis, Veertaradi kashayam, brihatyadi kashayam, Hajaral Yahud bhasma, rasayana churna.

How to Cite

Tagalpallewar, S. D. (2020). Management of Mutrashmari by Ayurveda – A Case Study. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 8(03). Retrieved from


In the present study an effort was made to evaluate the efficacy of Veertaradi kashayam, brihatyadi kashayam, Brihatyadi kashayam, Hajaral Yahud Bhasma, and Rasayana Churna. The main aim of this particular study was to report the fast acting and cheapest Ayurvedic medicines on single renal calculi (Mutrashmari). A 66 years old male patient was treated with Veertaradi Kashayam 15ml, Brihatyadi Kashayam 15ml, Hajaral Yahud bhasma 500mg, with warm water along with Rasayana Churna 2 tsf  twice a day with warm water  till expulsion of renal calculus. The patient was assessed on the basis of subjective parameters i.e. Pain in flank region, burning micturition etc. and objective parameters (USG of KUB region).  After completion of the study with above medicine the results were encouraging. This case highlights the fact that it is possible to treat a case of single renal calculus up to 8mm size with Hydronephrosis safely  by above medicines within a week only.

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