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Dosa dhatu mala are the basic principles of Ayurveda. In Ayurveda vata,pitta, kapha are the main 3 types of dosa. According to Vagbhata pitta has these main function namely pakti (digestion),ushma(maintain proper body temperature),darshan (vision), kshudha(hunger), trushna(thirst), prabha (lustre) to skin ,medha( intellect). Pathological increase in Pitta causes yellow coloured skin and eyes and decrease in Pitta causes loss of lustre and low glorification (prabhahani). pitta has five subtypes Aalochak ,Ranjak ,Sadhak ,Pachak and Bhrajak pitta . Bhrajak pitta is located in skin and its functions are regulation of body heat and maintain normal skin colour and absorption and digestion of medicine applied on skin. According to modern science the colour of skin depends upon melanin concentration. Excess level of melanin results in skin tanning while absence of melanin causes albinism. Co- relative study of Bhrajak Pitta and melanin may helpful to ayurvedic students to understand ayurvedic concept Bhrajak pitta in modern point of view hence, detail study of Bhrajak pitta and Melanin in has been elaborated in this article.
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