Management of Pilonidal sinus by partial sinus excision along with Ksharsutra ligation
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Pilonidal Sinus, Sushrutsamhita, Nadivrana Chikitsa , Ksharsutra

How to Cite

Patil, A. B. (2020). Management of Pilonidal sinus by partial sinus excision along with Ksharsutra ligation. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 8(04). Retrieved from


Pilonidal sinus is a disease of a midline pit situated in mid gluteal cleft at post anal region associated with hairs. Continued sitting, obesity, hairy part, family history which increases the risk of diseases. The prevalence rate in males is more (Male & Female ration 3:1) and incidence is about 26 per 100,000 population. The treatment of pilonidal sinus includes excision and primary closure, excision with reconstructed flap technique etc. In Ayurveda pilonidal sinus is correlated with Nadivrana and it can be considered under shalyaj Nadivrana and Shushruta has explained Shastrakarma with intervention of ksharsutra as one of the treatment of Nadivrana (sinus) excision. In this case study, a case of pilonidal sinus, 21yr / Male patient diagnosed and treated successfully with integrated approach i.e. partial sinus excision adjuvant to Ksharsutra therapy.  Partial sinus excision followed by Ksharsutra  ligation in the remaining intact tract was performed under local anaesthesia, Patient was asked to attend surgical OPD for dressing on alternate days, and Seitz bath with lukewarm water was advocated before dressing. The Ksharsutra was changed weekly for 3 sitting. To reduce pain, inflammation and control infection,  Analgesic,anti-inflammatory and oral antibiotic drug  were also prescribed for 5 days. Observation revealed that sinus- track cut through and healed by 4 weeks. Patient was under observation for period of one year to check for recurrence. This innovative partial sinus excision along with Ksharsutra  ligation under local anesthesia, proved an effective ,time conserving and non-recurrent, minimal invasive treatment alternative for pilonidal management.

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