Review on various aspects of utility of Amlika
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Known as ‘imli’ in India, the sweet and sour fruit forms a part of many Indian recipes as well as Ayurvedic formulations. The name tamarindus comes from the Arabic Tamar-Hindi, meaning 'date of India', and refers to the date-like pulp inside the pods. According to folklore the sailors used to eat tamarind fruit as a complement to their otherwise starchy diet, in the belief that eating it would prevent scurvy. According to Tamarind has a pacifying effect on the Vata and Kapha doshas. On the other hand, it increases the pitta dosha. In Ayurveda, tamarind is used for healing in all forms – the leaves, fruit, bark, oil, and even ashes. To boost health, tamarind fruit can be added to daily diet. Here are the top tamarind benefits of health.
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