An overview on role of Devdarubaladi Tail Janu Basti in Janu Sandhigata Vata.
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Devdarubaladi tail , janusandhigat vata,janu basti

How to Cite

More, R. (2020). An overview on role of Devdarubaladi Tail Janu Basti in Janu Sandhigata Vata. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 8(06). Retrieved from


When this vitiated vata lodged in sandhi, it is characterized by sandhishoola, shotha, sparshasahatva, restricted movement. Commonly, this sandhigatvata most affected in janusandhi which is one among the most important weight bearing joints in body. the panchkarma is very unique therapeutic procedure because it has preventive, promotive, prophylactic and rejuvenative properties as well as radical cure. Among these panchkarma, like Snehana, Swedana, Upanaha, Basti, Nasya, Raktamokshana,Mardana, Janubasti,Lepa etc.plays a crucial role. In all types of Vatvyadhi Acharya Charak has mentioned Snehan and Swedan as Pradhan Chikitsa and Acharya Shushrut has also mentioned Snehan and Swedan for Asthisandhigata Vata. These stahnik basti procedures are one of the dual Panchakarma therapies which have the action of both Snehan and Swedan simultaneously. Tail is the best treatment of vata dosha. Hence this article gives an overview of janubasti with Devdarubaladi tail  in janusandhigat vata.

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