“Management of Keloid with local application of Neem & Raktchandana Lepa.”
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Keloid, Rakt-chandana, Pterocarpus santalinus, Neem

How to Cite

Mali, P. A. (2020). “Management of Keloid with local application of Neem & Raktchandana Lepa.”. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 8(06). Retrieved from https://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/770


When there is injury may be due to trauma, burn, or surgery. There is formation of scar tissue or fibrous tissue .This is attempt of body to repair itself by forming the bi product scar tissue or fibrous tissue. In some cases scar tissue grows excessively forming smooth hard growth called keloid. Typically keloid is not harmful to health. And it is do not require medical attention as like other skin problems. Unless and until it is appear on exposed areas like neck, face etc. People having cosmetic attention require treatment for it. Sometime the hardened tight scar tissue may restrict the movement. The available treatment for keloid is local corticosteroid injection which reduced inflammation and shrunk the keloid and surgery. But the chance of relapse is there with worst condition. Neem & Raktachandan lepa for local application is used in this case. It contains natural alkaloids  and steroidwhich relives inflammation and shrunk keloid.

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