Nidanparivarjan in Amlapitta:Preventive as well as Curative Aspect
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Amlapitta, acid peptic disorder,Nidanparivarjan, Ahara, Vihara, Pathya Apathya
Manasika Bhava

How to Cite

Rekhatai Supaji Chendhalane. (2021). Nidanparivarjan in Amlapitta:Preventive as well as Curative Aspect. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 9(01). Retrieved from


Abstract: Amlapitta is a disorder of Annavaha Srotas as per Ayurveda. Amlapitta (Acid Peptic Disorder) is very common emerging disease which is an abnormal pathological condition occurring due to indulgence in Ahara, Vihara, and Manasika Bhava which are of incompatible combination, faulty dietary habits, persistent intense stress, spicy and oily food and sedentary lifestyle.

  This condition can be managed using medications but it get relapse as soon as the Nidana(Etiological Factors)are taken.So, an approach should be done to tackle this problem like avoidance of Nidana i.e causative factors responsible for Amlapitta Vyadhi.

  Ayurveda is recognized as ancient science and it has described ways for prevention of disease. 'Nidanparivarjnan' is mentioned in Ayurvedic text which is useful for prevention of disease, treatment of disease, and to stop the recurrence of disease and hence it is mentioned as first line of treatment for any disease. So, Amlapitta Vyadhi can be prevented and managed through Nidanparivarjan along with proper following of Pathya Apathya regimens mentioned in Ayurvedic text books.

In this study all the etiological factors of Amlapitta have been studied and compiled through Ayurvedic texts, various articles are referred from Ayurvedic journals and internet surfing done.Nidanparivarjan means avoidance of etiological factors of Amlapitta which helps in prevention of Amlapitta disease in normal individual and management of disease in diagnosed patient of Amlapitta taking medications.


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