A case study of Ayurvedic management on Kustha (Pittakaphaja Kustha).
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Kustha, Pittakaphaj Kustha, Laghumanjisthadi, Kaishoor guggul, Gandhaka Rasayan

How to Cite

Shah, K. (2020). A case study of Ayurvedic management on Kustha (Pittakaphaja Kustha). Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 8(06). Retrieved from https://www.ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/797


 Skin being the largest organ of the body which is the reason behind the beauty and the causes for confidence. WHO has classified skin disease a psycho-cutaneous disease.  This emphasizes on the relation between skin and psyche. Hence skin aliments are given high priority by any victim .All the skin diseases in Ayurveda have been discussed under the broad heading of Kustha. Kustha is said to be Tridoshatamak(1) and it have various variety found in day to day clinical practice so said to be treated according to dominance of Doshas. Tridoshas and various Dushyas are involved in Kustha. Here dominance of pitta and Kapha is seen so Diagonsed as “Pittakaphaj Kustha” and management was given accordingly.

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