Lifestyle disorder and its impact on Mahasrotas
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Lifestyle disorder, Mahasrotas, Ayurveda

How to Cite

Hange, D. V. (2021). Lifestyle disorder and its impact on Mahasrotas. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 9(01). Retrieved from


Background: Ayurveda is ancient system of Indian medicine based on certain fundamental principles,  and one of them is ‘strotasa’. Mahasrotas is important concept describe in Ayurveda. The root of pranvaha strotas is hriday and Mahasrotas. Mahasrotas includes lungs,  hriday,  and alimentary system. Oxygen,  food and water are utilized for the growth of the body. Also to maintain the healthy state of the body. It get disturbed due to changes in lifestyle. Lifestyle disorders are those disorders which occurs on daily habits of people. You may maintain healthy state by following dincharya.Everyone wants to live healthy forever. Health is essential to achieve dharma,  artha,  Kama,  and Moksha. According to Ayurveda when dosha, dhatu mala are in a state of equilibrium and atma indriya mana are satisfied then that state is called as healthy state. But due to busy schedule and our lazy nature i.e. sedentary lifestyle,  we do not do so. Faulty eating habits and lack of physical exercise have main effect on Mahasrotas especially on Agni. Hence life style disorders plays an important role in the pathogenesis of diseases of the Mahasrotas.

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