Review on etio-pathogenesis and diagnostic approach of Amavata.
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Amavata, rheumatisim, etiopathogenesis, diagnostic criteria

How to Cite

Pairkao, S. G., & Dudhamal, A. (2020). Review on etio-pathogenesis and diagnostic approach of Amavata. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 8(06). Retrieved from


Amavata is a one of the difficult disease for clinicians due to it’s chronicity, incurability, complications, and morbidity. It is chronic disease as it needs repeated hospitalization so it put economic burden on family members and poor quality life. Madhavkara had described etiopathoganesis and clinical presentation of the disease briefly before thousands of years. Amavata is a multisystemic illness can be caused by vitiation of Vata and generation of Ama in the body which has articular as well as extra articular manifestations. Rheumatisim and Amavata have great similarities in the clinical presentation. Amavata can be clinically identical with any of the rheumatic disorder.

Diagnosis of Amavata is not difficult in patient when it’s clinical presentation is classical but it may be confusing in a early stage.  In Amavata most of the clincical features are nominal and categorical there is wide range of clinical signs and symptoms narrated in Madhavakara So the diagnosis often made by some degree of subjective interpretation of clinician. To make a valid, reliable, consistent diagnosis of Amavata some pathological investigations can be included in the diagnostic criteria of Amavata. This study gives insight into review of diagnostic criteria of Amavata .

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