Classical Drugs Review of Contents of Krumighna Basti


Panchakarma krumi, Sushruta Samhita, Krumighna basti, Sursadi gana dravya

How to Cite

Kulkarni, ketaki. (2021). Classical Drugs Review of Contents of Krumighna Basti. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 9(03). Retrieved from


                In Today’s Era, Krumi is considered to be major issue from child to adult. Whether it may be aagantuj or nij, depending on it, treatment has to be started accordingly. Starting from Rugveda to Samhita, krumi is accepted as a causative factor of various diseases. There is a wide narration of pathological krumi in our Samhita’s. Only few studies have been done in Ayurveda on the type of krumi, there infection or infestation, and the treatment. Amongst them, very few studies has elaborated panchakarma related to krumi. Various treatment modalities related to panchakarma has been mentioned, among that in Sushrut Samhita, krumighna basti has been elaborated specifically containing surasadi gana dravya, and various krumighna dravya


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